AIM Marine Marketing Automation Platform

A powerful suite of sales & marketing automation tools to boost conversions and deliver results.

Marketing and sales teams no longer need to spend time cobbling together tools and data. Now they can focus on growing your business and creating better customer experiences.

Drive more leads, convert more leads to sales, and optimize their entire funnel with our all-in-one solution.

Start conversations that lead to conversions with personalized messages and automated campaigns that respond to user behavior.

Drive More Leads

More than just more. Drive relevant leads that convert.

Convert Leads to Sales

Close deals by sending exactly the right message at exactly the right time using powerful, behavioral-based communication.

Optimize Your Entire Funnel

Double down on what works and remove what doesn’t. Comprehensive reports make it easy.

What is Marketing Automation

Marketing automation refers to software platforms that help businesses automate their marketing and sales engagement processes to generate more leads, convert those leads to sales and optimize ROI.

Marketing automation reaches its full potential when it helps move leads through the inbound marketing funnel. Your strategy should be dedicated to one central focus: Your customers.

Marketing automation encompasses an entire suite of tools to help companies drive more leads, convert those leads to sales, and maximize spend. This includes features like landing page builder, built-in CRM, reporting capabilities, social media management, and so much more.

Using marketing automation software allows marketers and other workers to focus on big-picture issues, and email marketing and chatbots are only two of the many trends in the field.

The future of marketing automation is, in short, the future of marketing.

How Does Marketing Automation Work?

The short version is that marketing automation generates leads and converts them through customization. It allows you to search for potential leads automatically, then automatically and manually dig through your options to narrow down your list to your best possible leads.

By paying attention to your engaged leads and their behaviors, you can craft targeted campaigns that meet their needs, and ultimately, capture conversions.

Features at a Glance

Our dashboard is a SAAS platform that incorporates marketing automation, campaign management and a full-featured sales CRM in one easy solution designed to grow your business.

Generate more leads

by identifying anonymous web visitors and capturing contact info with dynamic forms.

Identify highly interested and sales-ready leads

with customizable lead scoring.

Develop leads that aren't sales-ready

by automatically adding them to nurturing campaigns.

Instantly notify salespeople

about leads that are ready to buy.

Measure your ROI for every marketing spend

by tracking the entire sales process from end-to-end.

Want to Learn More?

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